

与Fenwick年轻校友Abbie Alonzo '19 (Belmont U.) 和 Patrick Feldmeier '20 (Notre Dame).

Fenwick Graduation Year: 2019
家乡: 芝加哥
Grade School: 圣特格拉
大学: Belmont University (Nashville, TN)
主要: Music Business

实习: 我的第一份音乐行业实习是在2021年秋天与独立乡村艺术家凯伦·瓦尔德鲁普(Karen Waldrup)一起进行艺人管理实习. 我协助凯伦处理日常事务,包括但不限于为周末旅游做准备, 处理商品并协助社交媒体策划和发布. In the spring of 2022, I held two simultaneous internships. 第一次是与纳什维尔一家名为with The B和的粉丝参与公司合作. 在这里,我策划每周流行文化博客,并向订阅者发送每周时事通讯. 另外, 我当时在一家名为Bsquared Management的公司远程工作,担任预订承包商. 我是艺术家和音乐会场地之间的桥梁,我会为各自的花名册预订演出.

2022年夏天,我开始在索尼音乐出版公司实习. 作为创意实习生,我从各个角度承担责任. 任务包括从提交给我们的演示中转录歌词, prepping our writing rooms every morning, to curating playlists for SMP Nashville's Spotify. I served in this role for nine months, 今年3月,我担任了首席执行官的临时行政助理. This job allows me to work one-on-one with our CEO, 生锈的加斯顿, 和 h和le his travel, 调度, 还有其他的. No two days are the same at Sony; one day you could find me at a number one party for one of our artists 和 the next you could find me running err和s for the office. 通过这些机会,我获得了丰富的音乐产业知识, 和 I am beyond grateful for them. 
Career aspirations: At the moment, I would love to stay in music publishing. 音乐出版需要管理出版版权, working with songwriters, 和 placing songs with artists. Some of the artists we work with at Sony include Luke Bryan, 多莉。帕顿, Blake Shelton, Kelsea Ballerini, Lainey Wilson, 和 so many more. Music publishing is something I am so passionate about, as the industry could not function without the songwriters. I would love to continue in this realm of the industry, 支持我们的词曲作者,站在你今天听到的许多音乐的最前沿!

Fenwick teacher who had the most influence on you: I always enjoyed my English classes at Fenwick. Two of the most influential teachers I had were 夫人. Kotty夫人. 加里纳利. 我一直记得他们都对自己所教的东西充满热情, which makes all the difference in the classroom. They also both took such genuine interest in their students, how they were doing, 和 worked all year to not only build a connection with us, but maintain it. 我很感激能向这两位了不起的女性学习.
esball世博最好的经历/你想再次生活的经历: One of my favorite times of the year was always Spirit Week. 大家聚在一起支持我们的学校,度过了一段美好的时光,这是一段美好的回忆. I also, of course, always looked forward to Banua every year!

The Fenwick experience that changed you the most: Though I'm sure many Friars would say this, 凯洛 at Fenwick had an extremely positive impact on me. Going on this retreat heightened my sense of compassion, 也帮助我通过别人的眼睛看世界. 我很感激有过这样的经历,直到今天我仍然带着它!


Fenwick Graduation Year: 2020
家乡: Western Springs, IL
Grade School: St. John of the Cross
大学: University of Notre Dame
主要: 金融

实习: 去年夏天,我在中国北京的JFP控股公司实习,担任投资银行暑期分析师. 而新冠肺炎疫情的限制导致实习是虚拟的, 我仍然有机会为一家基于加密货币的初创公司提供地理扩张方面的建议,并最终在纽约市与管理团队会面. This upcoming summer, I will intern in the Strategic Growth Fund at GTCR, 一家总部位于芝加哥的私募股权公司,在那里我将研究中端市场领域的潜在投资机会.

Career aspirations: 自从我还是esball世博的一名学生以来,投资一直是我的爱好, 而巴黎圣母院允许我通过课程来追求我的激情, stock pitches, 和 several case studies. 我渴望成为一名公开市场或私人市场的投资者. 希望我能和我最好的朋友和兄弟一起投资, Danny [Class of '18]!

Fenwick achievements/activities: Student Body President, 3-Year Class President, National Honor Society, State Finalist in Speech Club Competition, 足球, Varsity Rugby Captain, Write Place Tutor

Fenwick teacher who had the most influence on you: 在我四年的学习生涯中,许多esball世博的老师对我产生了深刻的影响, Mr. Arellano 在我成长为领导者和个人的过程中发挥了重要作用. Through my time in Speech Club, 我们每天花一个多小时来提高我的演讲技巧,这对我以后生活的方方面面都有帮助. 他是一个真正的esball世博人,全身心地投入到教学中, 和 I will forever cherish the time I got to spend with him.

夫人. 埃斯波西托的 AP物理课绝对是我在esball世博最大的挑战, 但它迫使我发展出一种永无止境的动力,这种动力至今仍在使我受益. 在她的课堂上取得成功需要深刻的批判性思维和坚持学习的意志,尽管材料很难. 我永远不会忘记我坐在厨房的桌子旁,为那个臭名昭著的桥梁项目工作!

esball世博最好的经历/你想再次生活的经历: I would love to experience the Class of 2020 graduation, 在COVID-19大流行期间由家长和学生会组织的. We were able to raise ~$35,000 和 host a live graduation at the All State Arena, 这是自三月份学校停课以来我们第一次作为一个班级聚在一起. 这一经历证明了esball世博的网络, 这也是我今天作为一名修士感到如此自豪的原因之一!

The Fenwick experience that changed you the most: During the fall of my senior year, 我获准设计并销售一件"esball世博生运动衫.尽管只有一周的时间来宣传这款运动衫, I sold 141 和 created a tangible memory of my senior year. 看到我的同学们一直穿着这件运动衫,我感到很自豪.
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